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Dicover our product with phosphorus chemistry

We are always on the lookout for fresh talent to help us stay at the forefront of our sector and ensure our business thrives for years to come.

A job at Prayon comes with an attractive salary package and a host of fringe benefits. But that is not all! We also offer a friendly working environment, the chance to manage your work independently, and opportunities to develop your career and undertake training, plus a healthy work/life balance.


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About us

Phosphorus chemistry is vital to our daily lives and is at the core of everything we do.

With a legacy of over 130 years’ experience, we are committed to providing the world’s growing population with nutritious and high-quality food.

We work hard to deliver innovative phosphate and fluorine solutions to our customers in numerous sectors ranging from pet food and oral care to the chemical, construction, and pharmaceutical industries.

Our proprietary equipment and technology are used in over 130 phosphoric acid plants because phosphate producers know they can count on Prayon’s world-renowned equipment, trend-setting innovations and robust technologies to build and develop their own phosphate plants.

More about us
Prayon in numbers
In the world

Production sites

In EU and USA

Commercial subsidiaries

In million Euro

Group turnover

Active in

over countries



In the world


About Prayon
Our activities

We make everything better. We are proud to design technical solutions, world-renowned equipment and trustworthy products that set the tone in the phosphate world.

They can be found in food applications, industrial applications, fertilisers and other applications such as toothpastes and pharmaceuticals.

More about us

3 key steps for food-grade quality

  1. Pre-purification

    Reaching a standardized phosphoric acid quality suitable for the purification steps
  2. Purification

    Removing impurities from the phosphoric acid with the combined technologies of membrane filtration and ion exchange resins.
  3. Concentration

    Reaching the required P2O5 content.


What they like most about working at Prayon

Prayon, a world leader in phosphate chemistry

Prayon, a world leader in phosphate chemistry, invests in a production unit of Food Grade Sodium Hexametaphosphate (SHMP).

This project is part of Prayon’s growth strategy in several sectors (food additives, water treatment, industrial applications), and it will support the Group’s development worldwide.

This unit of 10 kt will increase the Company’s production capacity

This unit of 10 kt will increase the Company’s production capacity and strengthen Prayon’s position in the food additives sector, among others. It will enable Prayon to meet growing customer demand for food applications additives as well as the increasing internal needs for the production of core ingredients such as Carfosel™ (for meat and seafood) and Kasomel™ (for cheese).

Label Label
  • Fertilizer phosphates
    • Merchant grade acid
    • DCP fertilizer
  • Animal feed phosphates
    • Dicalcium Phosphate
    • Monocalcium Phosphate
  • Technical grade phosphoric acid
  • Food grade Phosphoric acid

At this stage, the site of Engis was chosen to build the new plant. It will supplement the current SHMP production unit in Les Roches-de-Condrieu (France) and will be operational by 2023.

  1. Fertilizer phosphates
    • Merchant grade acid
    • DCP fertilizer
  2. Animal feed phosphates
    1. Dicalcium Phosphate
    2. Monocalcium Phosphate
  3. Technical grade phosphoric acid
  4. Food grade Phosphoric acid

With more than 130 years experience

With more than 130 years experience, Prayon is a worldwide leader in phosphorous chemistry.

Headquartered in Belgium, the Prayon Group operates production sites in Belgium, France and the United States.

Our Group manufactures an extensive range of phosphate and fluorine products used in food and industrial applications, fertilizers, construction, pharmaceuticals and much more.

Our world-renowned equipment, allied with innovative and robust technologies, offer the best solutions to phosphate producers.

Developing more efficient processes, protecting resources and fostering circular economy are all part of our commitment to build a more sustainable future.

How do we valorise your materials?

Watch our introduction vidéo

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Discover our equipment

We make everything better. 
We are proud to design technical solutions, world-renowned equipment and trustworthy products that set the tone in the phosphate world.

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Raise the quality of your baked goods

Praylev: our well-known leavening agents give all your baked goods the perfect appearance and texture.

Moreover, they are versatile: Prayon monocalcium phosphates (MCPs) are excellent for short-order cooking (waffles, wafers, cookies etc.) and for preparing leavening powders and self-raising flour, while sodium acid pyrophosphates (SAPP) are the best choice for making cakes, sponge cakes and biscuits.

Your contact
  • MAP (12-61-0) & MKP (0-52-34)


    A water-soluble combination of nitrate and potassium ideal for fertigation

    Our Hortipray®Potassium Nitrate (NOP 13.7-0-43) has been designed as a fully water-soluble crystalline potassium nitrate fertilizer.

    NOP is a high standard quality potassium nitrate source providing nitrogen and potassium to plants at all growth stages, in hydroponics as well as soil grown crops. Our products are free of chlorine, sodium and heavy metals. In the form of a free flowing, fine crystalline powder, it dissolves quickly in water and can be used in all fertigation systems, such as drip irrigation, NFT, sprinklers, center pivots and lateral movement irrigation systems.


    • Quality
    • Purity
    • Solubility
    • Availability
    Prayon investeert in een nieuwe eenheid om de productie van elektronisch zuiver fosforzuur te verdubbelen
    Prayon investit dans une nouvelle unité pour doubler sa production d’acide phosphorique de qualité électronique
    Our product range
    Prayon neemt NEI over en versterkt daarmee zijn positie op de markt voor calciumfosfaatzouten
    Prayon acquiert la société NEI et renforce sa présence sur le marché des sels de phosphate calcique
    Prayon's Whistleblowers Policy
    EN FR NL
    3. General Terms and Conditions for Purchase Orders - Prayon Inc.
    Brochure: Tilting Pan Filter
    On demand
    Request document
    Brochure: Droplets Separator
    On demand
    Request document
    Brochure: Gas Scrubber
    On demand
    Request document
    Prayon's Privacy Statement
    Brochure: Agitator
    On demand
    Request document
    Prayon, pionnier de l’économie circulaire, dévoile son nouveau rapport de développement durable
    Prayon onthult zijn nieuwe Global Sustainability Report
    Déclaration environnementale du CET-Engis
    ISO 50001 Bex
    ISO 45001 Bex
    ISO 14001 Bex
    ISO 9001 Bex
    Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil
    Responsible Care - Prayon Benelux
    Brochure: Training Simulator - Prayon Technologies
    Download our brochure Training Simulator - Prayon Technologies
    Brochure: Dihydrate - Prayon Technologies
    Brochure: Hemihydrate - Prayon Technologies
    Brochure: Hemi-Dihydrate - Prayon Technologies
    Brochure: Central Prayon- Prayon Technologies
    Brochure: Prayon Ecophos Loop - Prayon Technologies
    Download our brochure Prayon Ecophos Loop
    Brochure: Prayon Technologies
    Pictograms info for food safety
    Prayon voltooit met succes de overname van Febex en betreedt de elektronicamarkt
    Prayon finalise avec succès l acquisition de Febex et entre sur le marché de l’électronique
    Kosher Prayon S.A.- Puurs
    Kosher Prayon S.A.- Les Roches
    Kosher Prayon S.A. - Engis
    Kosher Prayon Inc
    Halal Prayon S.A.- Les Roches
    Halal Prayon S.A.- Puurs
    Halal Prayon S.A.- Engis
    Halal Prayon Inc
    Sales Order Terms & Conditions Prayon Inc.
    General terms and conditions of sale Prayon Benelux
    EN FR NL
    General terms and conditions of sale Prayon S.A.
    4. General Safety Regulations for Subcontractors - Engis site
    EN FR
    8. Application Form - Supplier (to fill in)
    EN FR NL
    6. Standard Investment Contract (SIC)
    EN FR
    7. Code of Conduct for Suppliers
    EN FR NL
    2. General Terms and Conditions for the Purchase of Services
    1. General Terms and Conditions for the Purchase of Goods
    5. General Safety Regulations for Subcontractors - Puurs site
    EN NL
    Download our brochure Technophos - Prayon Technologies
    Déclaration environnementale du CET d'Engis
    Request our brochure Pbooster
    On demand
    Request document
    Brochure: Pbooster
    On demand
    Request document
    ISPS Certificate
    Certificat AEO
    ISO 50001 Puurs
    ISO 45001 Prayon S.A.
    ISO 45001 Prayon Group
    ISO 14001 Prayon S.A.
    ISO 14001 Prayon Group
    ISO 9001 Prayon Western Europe - Ex Prayon Iberica & Prayon France
    ISO 9001 Prayon S.A.
    ISO 9001 Prayon Northern Europe - UK
    ISO 9001 Italia
    ISO 9001 Prayon Inc.
    ISO 9001 Prayon Group
    ISO 9001 Prayon Central & Eastern Europe - Deutschland
    ISO 9001 Prayon Benelux
    IFA Protect & Sustain program : Product Stewardship
    ISO 22000 Prayon Group
    FSSC 22000 Les Roches
    FSSC 22000 Puurs
    FSSC 22000 Prayon Inc.
    FSSC 22000 Engis
    Les Roches site: Rules for visitors
    EN FR
    Puurs site: Rules for visitors
    EN FR NL
    Engis site: Rules for visitors
    EN FR
    Augusta site: Rules for visitors
    Prayon's Commitment
    EN FR NL
    Our Halal Commitment
    EN FR NL
    Prayon’s Commitment to Combatting Slavery and Human Trafficking
    EN FR
    Our Energy Pledge
    EN FR NL
    Code of ethics
    EN FR NL
    Brochure: DA-HF - Prayon Technologies
    Brochure: Technophos - Prayon Technologies
    Brochure: Ecophos - Prayon Technologies
    Request our brochure micronutri Fe
    On demand
    Request document
    Brochure: micronutri Fe
    On demand
    Request document
    Request our brochure Anticalc
    On demand
    Request document
    Brochure: Anticalc
    On demand
    Request document
    Brochure: Prayon développe son expertise dans le traitement de l’eau avec l’acquisition de l’activité Capterall® de Solvay
    On demand
    Request document
    Request our brochure Potassium Nitrate (NOP)
    On demand
    Request document
    Brochure: Potassium Nitrate (NOP)
    On demand
    Request document
    Request our brochure Monopotassium Phosphate (MKP)
    On demand
    Request document
    Brochure: Monopotassium Phosphate (MKP)
    On demand
    Request document
    Request our brochure Monoammonium Phosphate (MAP)
    On demand
    Request document
    Brochure: Monoammonium Phosphate (MAP)
    On demand
    Request document
    Request our brochure P800 High Rate LFP Cathode Material
    On demand
    Request document
    Brochure: P800 High Rate LFP Cathode Material
    On demand
    Request document
    Request our brochure P700 High Energy Density LFP Cathode Material
    On demand
    Request document
    Brochure: P700 High Energy Density LFP Cathode Material
    On demand
    Request document
    Request our brochure Capterall®
    On demand
    Request document
    Brochure: GetMoreP - Prayon Technologies
    Brochure: Process filtration and liquid equipment
    On demand
    Request document
  • Pbooster (0-48-47)

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    Download our brochure

  • micronutri Fe Liquid

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  • Phosphoric acid

    Idque fugit admodum quo ei. Intellegebat voluptatibus ius cu. Invidunt reprimique duo id, ei vim graece eripuit pericula. Id pro facete fuisset ancillae, mei id aperiri inciderint, principes aliquando mea an. Aperiam concludaturque vituperatoribus sea no, sit ignota consectetuer cu, ei sed aliquid ceteros reprimique.

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Flexible Content Inventory

Partnering together for success

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